Reisetipps, Sprachenlernen und vieles mehr - das iSt Magazin ist dein Kompass für unvergessliche Erlebnisse.
Deutsch | Englisch |
Mutter | mother |
Vater | father |
Schwester | sister |
Bruder | brother |
Zwilling | twin |
Tante | aunt |
Onkel | uncle |
Oma | grandmother |
Opa | grandfather |
Tochter | daughter |
Sohn | son |
Nichte | niece |
Neffe | nephew |
Enkel | grandson |
Enkelin | granddaughter |
Cousin/ Cousine | cousin |
Patenonkel/ -tante | godfather/ -mother |
Schwiegervater/ -mutter | mother/ father in law |
Stiefschwester | stepsister |
Stiefbruder | stepbrother |
Verlobte | fiancée |
Verlobter | fiancé |
Ehefrau | wife |
Ehemann | husband |
Freund/ Freundin | friend |
feste Freundin | girlfriend |
fester Freund | boyfriend |
Wenn du nun deine Familie vorstellen und deinem Gegenüber erklären willst, wer alles in deiner Familie ist, mit wem du zusammen lebst und wie sie heißen oder wie alt sie sind, kannst du diesen Text als Beispiel nehmen und einfach einige Wörter austauschen:
"My family has about five people. My mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me. My older sister is 27 years old and doesn't live with us, because she is already married. My brother is 21 and he just finished his studies. Of course there is a lot more, but I don't even know how many aunts, uncles and cousins I have, because they are just too much. My grandmother had seven children and my other grandmother had five. All of them had two or more children, so we are a really big family. "